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How To Recognize & Remove Keyword Cannibalisation To Improve Your SEO

Keyword cannibalisation is a problem that occurs when you use the same keyword in multiple places on your website. This can happen when you write content that includes the same words over and over again, or when you use the same keywords in multiple places on your site. Thus you need the help of expert SEO Australia who has well experience.

How To Recognize Keyword Cannibalization?

Keyword cannibalisation is when two or more pages have the same keywords. This can happen if you use the same keyword on multiple pages, or if you have a page that uses a high volume of keywords.

To check for keyword cannibalisation, go to Google Analytics and look at your organic traffic sources (Sources). If you see two or more sources for one keyword, then it’s possible that those keywords are being used on multiple pages.

It's also possible that these pages don't get any organic traffic from search engines because their content isn't relevant enough for people searching online; so there's no need for Google to index them!

How To Solve The Problem Of Keyword Cannibalization?

To solve this problem, you need to make sure that your content is unique. If you're writing about the same topic multiple times in one article, then people will get confused and will not be able to find what they are looking for.

You can also use synonyms for keywords which will help with keyword cannibalisation because it's much easier for people searching on Google or other search engines to find an exact match than a synonym or something similar.

How To Avoid Keyword Cannibalization In The Future?

This is the most important step because it will help you achieve better rankings and increase traffic to your site. The search engines use these three elements to index a page. If you want them to rank higher on Google, make sure that all three of them have similar keywords or phrases in them.

So my title should contain words like “improve SEO” while my meta description would mention as well so as not only do we get more traffic from potential readers but also because tools like allow us to track backlinks from blogs or websites, which might give us an idea about what else people are saying about certain topics related towards improving their sites' visibility on search engines such as Google's own SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).


As you can see, keyword cannibalisation is a serious issue for many SEOs. It’s one of the most common problems that come up in discussions about seo Australia, but it doesn’t have to be this way!

There are many ways you can avoid getting trapped in this trap by doing things like analysing your competitors and their content as well as taking advantage of tools like Google Search Console to help spot problems before they impact your rankings.

If you want more information about how to protect yourself from keyword cannibalisations, then just leave us a comment below directly!